Thursday, May 18, 2023

Eighth Day at OSS - 5/17/23

Today was full of organizing!! I organized shelves in classrooms, art supplies, as well as the back stock room in the STEAM lab. As we are getting closer to FAA, the teachers have asked me as well as the students to help organize and clean up after themselves more regularly. Later in the afternoon while the fifth graders were in geography, I was asked to help a seventh grader prepare for her exam the following day one on one. The math that she was working on (PEMDAS, and negative and positive numbers) was pretty familiar to me, so I was able to give her a lot of guidance. At the end of the day every Wednesday, the fifth graders have time to organize themselves and their designated spaces. The teacher who usually supervises them during that time was absent, so I took on that job by myself. It was a really fun experience, as I have never been able to supervise alone. Although it was the end of the day and there was a lot of energy in the room, I am really glad I was able to do this alone and set boundaries when necessary. 

Hours: 7


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